2023 GMTSC Symposium

March 20, 2023


Governance and Regulation Panel Discussion

Ensuring Effective Cyber Risk Management in the International Maritime Sector - Expert Panel Discussion

The maritime industry is undergoing a significant transformation based on the increased use of cyber-connected systems. While these systems improve commercial vessel and port facility operations, they also bring a new set of challenges affecting design, operations, maintenance, safety, security, training, and compliance surveys. These ongoing cybersecurity threats require the maritime community to effectively manage constantly changing cyber risks to create a safer maritime cyber environment.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has taken laudable steps to address maritime cybersecurity through Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management (Guidelines) and Resolution on Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems. Since their promulgation, however, cyber threats facing the maritime industry have continued to grow in scale, frequency, and complexity. The constantly evolving nature of the cyber threat landscape warrants a concurrent examination of IMO guidance.

Presentations will review previous IMO actions related to cybersecurity, discuss any current gaps or areas for improvement, and propose possible next steps for safeguarding the global marine transportation system. The review will include a discussion on the history of the development of the current Guidelines as well as the initial decision to approach cybersecurity through the ISM Code as opposed to the ISPS Code. There may be areas for improvement under the current framework where cyber threats have evolved past the extent of current guidance.

The aim is to inspire discussion on efforts to keep IMO guidance and standards relevant to the current cyber landscape, as well as methods to better establish a consistent baseline cyber readiness level throughout the global maritime network.

Panel 2: The aim with this session is to follow up on the previous panel discussions and look at ways to concretize/operationalize.

**Please click here to access the IMO Paper**


Jianying Zhou

Professor Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Prof. Jianying Zhou is a co-founder & steering committee co-chair of ACNS. He is also the steering committee chair of ACM AsiaCCS, and a steering committee member of Asiacrypt. He has also been in the editorial board of top cyber security journals including ...

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Matthew Faha

Lieutenant Commander United States Coast Guard

 Lieutenant Commander Matt Faha is a key member of the team leading U.S. efforts for enhancing vessel cyber risk management guidelines at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). He is also leading domestic cyber regulations and policy development for ...

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Michael Chien

Chief, Cyberspace Strategy Division United States Coast Guard

Captain Michael Chien currently serves as the Cyber Strategy Division Chief in the Office of Cyberspace Forces and leads an integrated team that focuses on developing and implementing cyberspace capabilities to enable operations and protect the Marine ...

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Beth Newing

Deputy Head of Maritime Security Division UK Department for Transport

Beth is the Deputy Head of the Maritime Security Division in the UK Department for Transport. Beth’s division is the UK Government lead for security policy governing British shipping and port security, and for monitoring and threat advice to the ...

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