Captain Michael Chien

Chief, Cyberspace Strategy Division, United States Coast Guard

Captain Michael Chien currently serves as the Cyber Strategy Division Chief in the Office of Cyberspace Forces and leads an integrated team that focuses on developing and implementing cyberspace capabilities to enable operations and protect the Marine Transportation System. 

His portfolio includes a broad array of engagements with the National Security Council, the Department of Homeland Security led Cyber Incident Reporting Council, and a variety of interagency engagements related to advancing national and international objectives related to cyberspace

His team coordinates United States Coast Guard wide efforts for international cybersecurity and conducts engagements with likeminded partners. The team’s outreach to public, private, and international partners support strategies for enhancing global maritime cybersecurity. 

A?2001?graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy, Captain Chien holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University, and a Master of Science in Engineering and Management from Massachusetts?Institute of Technology’s Systems Design and Management?program.