Callan Langlands

Director, Minilaterals Section, Global Initiatives, Department of Home Affairs

Callan is currently Director of the Minilaterals Section within the International Division of the Department of Home Affairs, and represents Australia as country coordinator as part of the International Partnership for Maritime Cybersecurity.

As Director of the Minilaterals Section, Callan leads engagement across various international partnerships on behalf of Home Affairs, including the Five Country Ministerial, Migration Five, Quad, G7 and G7. Prior to joining Home Affairs in 2022, Callan was Senior Departmental Liaison Officer within the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, leading portfolio engagement on infrastructure and transport related interests, including maritime and aviation.

Callan has over 10-years’ policy and strategic planning experience across local, state and federal government, with a focus across the transport, infrastructure and urban development industries.